The Eternal Paradigm
The domain of politics — discourse, which is always founded on mastery— has eroded. Paradoxically, ours is a time when everything is political. It is the cacophony of an age devoid of politics. If one can no longer orient oneself among the tired categories of the “left” and “right” it is because they have evolved too much and yet have been founded upon what now ought to have undergone an inversion.
The revolutionary milieu is only in its nascent state, incubating. They do not exist within an environment characterized by finite laws and social syntax. Nor are they discoverable through the development of a consciousness that would reveal the totality of relations submerged within everyday naivety. Goodbye to the Marxist category of totality, and so long to the sociological imagination. Even the Freudian category of repression requires a paradigm shift. The literate media has given way to the post-literate, and the spherical oral universe of foreclosure and delusion have become our familiar living space.
In such circumstances, we cannot anymore adequately discuss the future of the revolutionary milieu. Firstly, one must extract oneself from eternity. Today’s revolutionary milieu are not angry — though there are signs of an anger bubbling up again, beneath the surface — but melancholic, anorexic, autistic, without hope, and without a window on the world. These windowless monads are Lacanian rather than Leibnizian: they are closed in upon themselves precisely because they are eclipsed by the Other, unnable to dupe themselves enough on the side of meaning but not willing to recognize the way in which they are duped by satisfaction.
If religion wins over the revolutionary milieu then it will be because of foundational superstitions. If the university and the psys win over the revolutionary milieu then it will be because of delusion. Nihilist communism, post-anarchism, post-left anarchism, at the very least, prepare the foundation for another possibility that refuses mastery, superstition, delusion, and non-dupery.
Nihilist communists, one more step …